Call for Abstract

16th International Conference on Orthopedics, Arthroplasty and Rheumatology, will be organized around the theme “Recent Therapeutic Innovations and Advances in Orthopedics”

ORTHOPEDICS 2022 is comprised of 10 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in ORTHOPEDICS 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Orthopedic Surgery is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system focuses on patient care in each of these orthopaedic subspecialties adult reconstruction and joint replacement, sports medicine, spine surgery, surgery of the hand and wrist, surgery of the shoulder and elbow, surgery of the foot and ankle, musculoskeletal tumour surgery, orthopaedic trauma Surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

  • Track 1-1Hand and upper extremity
  • Track 1-2Shoulder and elbow
  • Track 1-3Total joint reconstruction (arthroplasty)

Arthroplasty is a surgical technique to renovate the function of a joint. A joint can be restored by resurfacing the bones. An artificial joint (called prosthesis) may likewise be used. Different types of joint inflammation may impact the joints. Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disorder, is lost the ligament or cushion in a joint, and is the most well-known purpose behind arthroplasty. This surgery performed to ease pain and restore possibility. A joint can be of movement by realigning or remaking a useless joint and to regain the function of a stiffened synovial joint and alleviate pain.

  • Track 2-1Hip replacement
  • Track 2-2Knee replacement
  • Track 2-3Shoulder replacement

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them sensitive and further inclined to break. It becomes progressively more than a long time and is as often as possible simply dissected when a minor fall or sudden impact causes a bone break. Osteoporosis impacts more than three million individuals in the UK. More than 500,000 people get recuperating focus treatment for delicacy splits (breaks that occur from standing height or less) reliably consequently of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis may be a result of lower than ordinary bone mass and more unmistakable than customary bone mishap. Bone disaster augments after menopause in light of lower levels of estrogen.

  • Track 3-1Primary Osteoporosis
  • Track 3-2Secondary Osteoporosis
  • Track 3-3Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Musculoskeletal Disorders or MSDs are wounds and diseases that influence the human body's Movement or musculoskeletal framework (i.e. muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, plates, veins, and so on.). It can emerge from the contact of physical variables with ergonomic, mental, social, and word related elements. At the point when a specialist is totally open to MSD chance components, they start to exhaustion. At the point when weakness surpasses their body's rescue framework, they build up a musculoskeletal lop-sidedness.

  • Track 4-1Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Track 4-2Tendonitis
  • Track 4-3Muscle / Tendon strain

Joint inflammation is a type of joint issue that includes irritation of at least one joints. There are more than 100 distinct types of joint inflammation. The most widely recognized type of joint inflammation is osteoarthritis, degenerative joint ailment, an aftereffect of injury to the joint disease of the joint or age. Different joint inflammation shapes are rheumatoid joint pain, Septic joint inflammation, Adolescent Idiopathic joint pain. Osteoarthritis harms ligament, the cushiony material on the finish of the bones.

  • Track 5-1osteoarthritis
  • Track 5-2rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Track 5-3psoriatic arthritis (PsA)

Orthopedic Trauma covers the range of basic separated breaks to serious extreme casualties with various broken bones. Osteochondroma as the most well-known kind tumour of the bones. The tumors appear as ligament topped hard projections or outgrowth on the surface of bones (exostoses). It is portrayed as a kind of abundance that can happen in any bone where ligament shapes bone. Tumors most regularly influence long bones in the leg, pelvis, or scapula. Osteonecrosis is where the blood stream deep down cells incredibly diminishes; the cells may kick the bucket, making the bone fall, in light of the fact that the bone and bone marrow of the human body are made of living cells that need an enduring blood supply to remain solid. Osteonecrosis can prompt torment, joint pain and restricted utilization of influenced joints.

  • Track 6-1Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Track 6-2Torn Rotator Cuff
  • Track 6-3Plantar Fasciitis

Physical medication and restoration likewise plans to improve and re-establish useful capacity and personal satisfaction to those with physical hindrances or incapacities influencing the cerebrum, spinal line, nerves, bones, joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. A doctor having finished preparing in this field is alluded to as a physiatrist. Not at all like other restorative claims to fame that attention on a therapeutic "cure," the objectives of the physiatrist are to augment patients' autonomy in exercises of day by day living and enhance personal satisfaction.

  • Track 7-1Auriculotherapy
  • Track 7-2Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Track 7-3Athletic Rehabilitation

Orthopedics is the therapeutic speciality that spotlights on wounds and sicknesses of your body's musculoskeletal framework. This perplexing framework, which incorporates your bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves, enables you to move, work, and be dynamic.

  • Track 8-1Arthritis Medications
  • Track 8-2Arthritis Rehabilitation
  • Track 8-3Arthritis

Physiotherapy helps in re-establishing ordinary body work and keeping inability emerging from illness, injury or damage. The calling supports advancement and encourage recuperation, empowering individuals to remain in work while helping them to stay free for whatever length of time that conceivable. Physiotherapists help individuals influenced by damage, illnessor incapacity through development and exercise, manual treatment, instruction and guidance. They keep up wellbeing for individuals of any age, helping patients to oversee torment and avoid sickness. Physiotherapists utilize practice projects to enhance portability and fortify muscles, joint control and activation to diminish agony and firmness, muscle re-training to enhance control aviation route leeway systems and breathing activities, delicate tissue preparation, needle therapy, hydrotherapy.

  • Geriatric Physiotherapy.
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Musculo-skeletal physiotherapy.
  • physical therapy


An ultrasound examine is a restorative test that utilizations high-recurrence sound waves to catch live pictures from within your body. The innovation is like that utilized by sonar and radar, which enable the military to distinguish planes and ships. An ultrasound enables your specialist to see issues with organs, vessels, and tissues—without expecting to make a cut. Medicinal imaging is the strategy and procedure of making visual portrayals of the inside of a body for clinical examination and restorative mediation. Therapeutic imaging tries to uncover inward structures covered up by the skin and bones, and in addition to analyze and treat illness. Medicinal imaging likewise sets up a database of ordinary life structures and physiology to make it conceivable to distinguish anomalies. Despite the fact that imaging of expelled organs and tissues can be performed for therapeutic reasons, such methods are generally considered piece of pathology rather than medicinal imaging. In knee surgery likewise therapeutic imaging assumes a vital part. The major orthopedic makers of the worldwide market focus much on therapeutic imaging gadgets than other orthopedic embeds and supplies. The gadgets utilized as a part of the pediatric orthopedics, orthopedic spine surgery, and veterinary orthopedics are popular in the worldwide market.